Thursday, May 10, 2007


(Tim) The Journey has now reached Barcelona, or more accurately, the land of many speech impediments. As the title suggests, people here pronounce their "s" sound like "th." Not terribly important, but kind of amusing for the rest of us. Here we have seen the mecca of street performers. The most fascinating to us are the people who try to look like statues, or as we refer to them, "the idiots who literally do nothing and expect money." There are two types of these clowns. On one hand you have the people who actually look like statues, and get no money from me. The others are the people who don't even remotely look like anything other than a fool standing kind of still and sure as hell get no money from me. We just walk by and say "you just don't get it, do you Scott?"
I'd like to take the time to send a special hello to our friend and roommie from Mexico. Hey, if you have a tendancy to sleep through alarms, please don't turn it up all the way in hopes that this will increase the chances of rousing you from your hibernation, MOTHERFUCKER! Also, when the first three go off nice and early in the morning and do wake you up, please don't turn it off and fall back to sleep so you can sleep through the next three, ASSHOLE! Next time, there's an mp3 player with your name on it, bitch. On a related note, Tom has found his competition for worst person in the universe to have for a roommate at night. Honestly, what did I do to deserve this injustice? Given the choice to be awoken by a freight train through the wall or deal with Tom's snoring, I'd really have to think about it. At least I could sleep before the train came. And I know what some of my former roommies are saying: "Tim, you haven't exactly been snore-free since '93 either, buddy." But with Tom we're talking Guinness Book here. A word of advice to anyone planning on spending a night in the same building as Tom: industrial-strength earplugs.
Yesterday we took a stroll along the beaches of Spain. And we walked so far that I thought we may have covered all of them. At one point I thought I saw Morocco. Some of the gents may be interested to know that being topless is quite popular at the beaches in Barcelona. Now don't, like Tom, get too kid-in-a-candy-store on me just yet. For most of these women, it's "yeah, go ahead and put that back on. Your tan is not as important as me keeping me lunch down." And I really don't understand why most of these people feel the need to tan more. You can just walk down the beach seeing people and thinking "cancer, cancer, everywhere, and not a cure to have." But hey, maybe permanently pruned skin is en vogue here.
As we strolled into a pub on the first day, it occured to me that maybe vegetarians wouldn¡t like it here so much. Right next to the tap was a pig leg in a clamp; hoof, skin, and everything. The bartender would just scoop out flesh from it from time to time. Fortunately I enjoy my place in the food chain and remained hungry and unphased. However, as I sat there, it occured to me that maybe vegetarians are on to somehting with their healthy eating, and seeing as we've eaten nothing but garbage on this tr¡p, I saw a vegetarian store and decided to give it a try. And you know what? It wasn't so bad. Eating vegetarian could become a habit for me. It's amazing how tasty and filling a basket of fries with garlic mayo can be. That red meat can kill you.
As some of you may have guessed from this rambling blog, our trip to Barcelona hasn't been too action-packed, but that ¡s not to say we're not enjoying ourselves. As a matter of fact, I was able to attend a classical Spanish guitar show (Tom was on board until he heard that Gwen Stefani wasn't opening). As some of you know, I'm a bit partial to guitar music, and naturally, I really enjoyed it. Other than that, we've just done a lot of relaxing here. As a matter of fact, Tom also made sure that we went up to the castle on the mountain to enjoy the view together. Very scenic. I was a bit surprised when he wanted to leave before sunset. Maybe it was something I said.

p.s. for those of you who've figured it out, this post is late due to technical difficulties.

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